Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 2 - Eh.

So week 2 was full of stress and big decisions yada yada - fast forward to the end of the week and I was up 3 lbs. Eating takeout and too much sugar does that. Plus - still no exercise.

However, a couple of days into Week 3, I am back down 2.5 lbs, so I am only .5 lb up from the end of Week 1.

Life! Big decisions were made and life should be getting easier in the next month or two. Until then, I need to eat healthier! So I have more energy to deal with all the curveballs, if nothing else. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Next week will be better. I am rooting for you! You can do this!

    Laura Lohr | My Beautiful Life
